Last Updated: May 2008
Technology Platforms provides accounts to many clients across Canada. We have a responsibility to protect these clients and to provide the best service available. The following guidelines were designed to insure that all clients receive quality service. We may take preventative or corrective action, at our discretion, in response to any of the activities described in this AUP, along with any activities that contradict the spirit of this AUP or the nature of the Internet as an open, efficient method of communicating and conducting business.
To meet the changing needs of our Users, our business, the Internet environment and the legal landscape, this AUP may be revised at any time and we encourage you to review this AUP on our Web site(s) periodically.
If you feel you have discovered a violation of any area of our AUP, please report it to: abuse[at]
General Information
As used herein, the term “User” or “Users” shall include any and all users, Customers, subscribers, affiliates (including without limitations Customers or non-Customers to whom Technology Platforms provides links or banners to promote the services or products of Technology Platforms or any third party the services or products of which are offered by or obtained through or in connection with Technology Platforms), resellers or others (i) who sign up for, use or obtain services or products from Technology Platforms or from any third party services or products of which are offered by or obtained through or in connection with Technology Platforms, or (ii) who visit the Web site of Technology Platforms or of any such third party. As a provider of Internet/World Wide Web access, Web site hosting, and other Internet-related services, Technology Platforms offers Users the means to acquire and disseminate a wealth of public, private, commercial, and non-commercial information. Technology Platforms respects that the Internet provides a forum for free and open discussion and dissemination of information, however, when there are competing interests at issue, Technology Platforms reserves the right to take certain preventative or corrective actions. In order to protect these competing interests, Technology Platforms has developed this Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”), which supplements and explains certain terms of each User’s respective service agreement and is intended as a guide to the User’s rights and obligations when utilizing Technology Platforms’ services. This AUP will be revised from time to time. A User’s use of Technology Platforms’ services after changes to the AUP are posted on Technology Platforms’ Web site, under the Terms of Service section, will constitute the User’s acceptance of any new or additional terms of the AUP that result from those changes. One important aspect of the Internet is that no one party owns or controls it. This fact accounts for much of the Internet’s openness and value, but it also places a high premium on the judgment and responsibility of those who use the Internet, both in the information they acquire and in the information they disseminate to others. When Users or others obtain information through the Internet, they must keep in mind that Technology Platforms cannot and does not monitor, verify, warrant, or vouch for the accuracy and quality of the information that users may acquire. For this reason, the user must exercise his or her best judgment in relying on information obtained from the Internet, and also should be aware that some material posted to the Internet is sexually explicit or otherwise offensive. Because Technology Platforms cannot monitor or censor the Internet, and will not attempt to do so, Technology Platforms cannot and does not accept any responsibility for injury to its Users or others that results from inaccurate, unsuitable, offensive, or illegal Internet communications. When Users or others disseminate information through the Internet, they also must keep in mind that Technology Platforms does not review, edit, censor, or take responsibility for any information its users, customers, subscribers or others may create. When Users or others place information on the Internet, they have the same liability as other authors for copyright infringement, defamation, and other harmful speech. Also, because the information they create is carried over Technology Platforms’ network and may reach a large number of people, including both Users and subscribers and non-subscribers of Technology Platforms, Users’ postings to the Internet may affect others and may harm Technology Platforms’ goodwill, business reputation, and operations. For these reasons, Users violate Technology Platforms policy and the service agreement when they, their users, customers, subscribers, employees, affiliates, or subsidiaries engage in activities described herein.
This Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) governs the usage of Technology Platforms’ products and services (“Services”). This Policy is incorporated by reference into each contract Technology Platforms enters into with a customer (“Customer”) for the use of such Services. Technology Platforms may modify this Policy at any time without notice. In addition, this Policy is incorporated by reference into the Terms of Services applicable to Technology Platforms’ Web site so that no person who utilizes Technology Platforms’ Web site (regardless of whether that person is a Customer) may take any action utilizing Technology Platforms’ Web site that a Customer would be prohibited to take utilizing the Services. USE OF SERVICES shall constitute your approval of this policy.
The purpose of this Policy is to enhance the quality of the Services and to protect Technology Platforms’ customers, and the Internet community as a whole, from illegal, irresponsible, or disruptive Internet activities. This Policy applies to each Customer and its employees, agents, contractors or other users of such Customer who obtain Services from Technology Platforms (each such person being a “User”).
Prohibited Uses
Users may not Utilize the Services: